Postgraduate Skills Development Officer wanted: APPLY HERE
Vacancy Details
Employer: Stellenbosch University
The Postgraduate Skills Development Programme is located within the Postgraduate Office (PGO) of Stellenbosch University’s Division for Research Development (DRD). The
Postgraduate Skills Development Programme is the primary capacity development initiative in the PGO. The programme has a strictly institutional focus to enhance postgraduate
success at SU by creating institutional capacity development interventions, with a strategic focus on SU Master’s and Doctoral skills development and support programmes. The
programme complements and supports the training that postgraduate students receive within their academic departments. It focuses on developing key research skills needed by
postgraduate students as they progress through their research journey. The programme also serves to ensure a holistic approach to the postgraduate environment and plays a role
within the PGO and the broader DRD to give expression to this notion, thereby avoiding a one-dimensional focus and problematising the student.
Since the launch of the Postgraduate Skills Development programme in 2010, the small Postgraduate Skills Development team has set up systems and processes to ensure the
smooth delivery of its range of well-established postgraduate support and development services. The Postgraduate Skills Development Officer position will ensure the continued
smooth operation and delivery of existing projects, support platforms and interventions, as well as any new projects developed by the Postgraduate Skills Development Programme.
In addition, the position will involve the development of new online interactive web resources, their design and execution. These duties extend to also benefit the broader PGO and
DRD in that the incumbent will provide marketing, communication and publication development support for the PGO in service of the postgraduate community at SU.
Coordinating the Postgraduate Skills Development Programme’s annual workshop calendar planning;
Managing the successful delivery of workshops through organising venues, registrations, communication with participants, catering, and payments;
Liaising and collaborating with workshop facilitators within and outside the University;
Collecting and analysing workshop feedback and writing feedback reports for office management, training providers and supervisors;
Managing the Postgraduate Skills Development Programme’s databases of postgraduate students, supervisors service providers and other stakeholders;
Answering student and supervisor queries about the services of the Postgraduate Skills Development Programme;
Presenting orientation and information sessions to departments on request;
Collaborating within the DRD and across the institution with role-players in order to optimise the support and benefits of diverse initiatives and help to share these from a central point;
Compiling and distributing the Postgraduate Skills Development Programme’s electronic newsletter, including sourcing and writing articles, layout and editing;
Ensuring that the postgraduate support information on the Postgraduate Skills Development Programme website is comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date;
Developing and managing the PGO website (Enrolment, Funding and Skills Development) as well as social media platforms;
Maintaining and creating new marketing materials for the PGO in collaboration with the different focus areas of the PGO (Enrolment, Funding and Skills Development);
Providing comprehensive support to the DRD/PGO online materials development projects – coordinating and developing new material and amending existing material;
Assisting with researching content for materials development (creating storyboards, recording audio and visual extracts for the materials, editing and publishing the final products, etc.).
Required Skills
Proven excellent administrative skills
Good report writing skills and the ability to present information effectively;
High-level computer literacy and outstanding technical skills, including sound knowledge of Excel an
Candidate Requirements
A university degree in a relevant field;
Good knowledge and understanding of the postgraduate research process, the postgraduate environment and its mechanisms;
Proven excellent practical organisational, planning and project management skills;
Proven excellent administrative skills;
A strong customer focus;
Excellent verbal and written English language proficiency;
Good report writing skills and the ability to present information effectively;
High-level computer literacy and outstanding technical skills, including sound knowledge of Excel and basic data analysis;
Experience in website design, management and content development, electronic learning material, electronic newsletter and social media experience;
Some experience of using design and learning software tools like Camtasia, iSpring, or similar resources;
Proven demonstrated innovative and creative abilities in the delivery of some professional online and/or published content;
Ability to work independently and collaboratively with the PGO team and the broader environment;
A reasonable level of physical ability and mobility in order to carry out certain heavy physical duties (e.g. transporting catering goods with a trolley, lifting and carrying
equipment and workshop material per foot to workshop/faculty venues on campus, etc.).
A postgraduate university qualification;
Training in blended-learning methodologies and educational course content development;
Experience in a training and development environment/teaching and learning environment.
Apply before Wednesday, July 31, 2019 – 6 Days left
Companies may expire jobs at their own discretion.
If you have not received a response within two weeks, your application was most likely unsuccessful.
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Source: Careers24