Databasisbestuurder / Database Manager wanted Asap: APPLY NOW
Bellville, Western Cape
SENWET wil die huidige kundigheid in databasisbestuur en bibliometriese ontleding in die Sentrum versterk. Die databasisspesialis sal nou saamwerk met die huidige databasisbestuurder in die verdere ontwikkeling van ‘n verskeidenheid bibliometriese databasisse. Dit sluit die volgende spesifieke take in:
Linux stelsel administrasie;
Opstelling en instelling van PostgreSQL, Apache, Nginx;
Instandhouding,opgradering en monitering van die PostgreSQL omgewing;
Ondersteuning van die instandhouding en monitering van die databasis rugsteuning, asook ‘n strategiese herstelplan en aktiwiteite;
Relasionele databasis ontwerp, databasis prestasie-onderhoud, manipulasie van data en dataversoeke;
Ontwikkeling van webgebruikers-koppelvlak vir databasisse;
Ontwikkeling van sagteware kodes vir die automatisering van data prosesserings take.
CREST wishes to strengthen its current expertise base in database management and bibliometric analysis. The database specialist will work closely with the current database manager in the further development of a range of bibliometric databases. Specifically:
Linux system administration;
Configuring and tuning PostgreSQL, Apache, Nginx;
Maintaining, upgrading and monitoring PostgreSQL environment;
Support with the maintenance and monitoring of the database backup and strategic recovery plan and activities;
Relational database design, performance tuning, data manipulation, and data queries;
Developing web user interfaces for databases;
Developing software scripts to automate data processing tasks.
n B-graad;
Ervaring in PostgreSQL databasis administrasie,insluitend installasie en probleemoplossingskwessies;
Bewese tegniese ervaring in databasis ontwerpen navraag optimalisering;
Webontwerp met SQL, Python, ReST Frameworks;
Ervaring in XML/JSON; Linux (Debian); Apache2,Nginx Web Server; Nagios Monitoring Tools; Web2py, Python, JavaScript, jQueryor other JS frameworks;
Die vermoë om in spanverband te werk.
A bachelor’s degree;
Experience with PostgreSQL database administration, including installation and troubleshooting issues;
Strong technical experience and a proven track record of database design and query optimization;
Web Development with SQL, Python, ReSTFrameworks;
Experience with XML/JSON; Linux (Debian); Apache2, Nginx Web Server; Nagios Monitoring Tools; Web2py, Python, Julia, JavaScript, jQuery or other JS frameworks;
The ability to work well in a team.
‘n B-graad in Rekenaarwetenskap of Wiskunde en/of Statistiek;
Kennis van Datawetenskapsprosesse in R, Python;
Kennis van bibliometriese databasisse.
A bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Mathematics and/or Statistics;
Knowledge of Data Science processes with R, Python libraries;
Knowledge of bibliometric databases.
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Source: Indeed